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Today's Hours: Closed

Apply for a Library Card


Library cards are available to residents of Northfield and southeastern Minnesota who can show picture identification that includes a current address, such as a Minnesota driver’s license, resident identification card, or student ID. (If identification materials do not contain a current address, a bill sent to a current address along with picture identification will suffice.) Children under the age of 16 need their parent/guardian present to get a library card. Library cards are free. 

Your card is also good at most public libraries in Minnesota but must be registered in each library system. Valid library cards from other libraries in the state of Minnesota may be used at the Northfield Public Library.  

To get a library card, fill out an application at the circulation desk at the library or you can download the application below, fill it out, and bring it to the library. 


Prefer no-contact service? Email the application to, or call the library at 507-645-6606. Library staff will work with you to set up your account.


There is a $2 fee to replace a lost library card.


Northfield residents are also eligible to apply for a library card at the Carleton and St. Olaf libraries with the ability to check out materials and use some of the facilities. More information can be found here and here.