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Today's Hours: Closed

Northfield Public Library: Teen Advisory Board: Home

What is the Teen Advisory Board?

Do you like free snacks? Do you enjoy books and movies? Are you interested in planning events for kids & teens? Do you want to be a voice for your community?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Northfield Public Library's TAB (Teen Advisory Board) is for you! TAB is a service group that gives teens a voice at our library, and makes the library a better place for teens to visit and find what they need. The board is open to teens middle-high school. Members volunteer to plan, promote, and implement programs for teen events, recommend materials for the library's collection, and serve as a voice for teens in the community. 

We meet once a month, and new members are always welcome. Check out the library's event calendar for the next Teen Advisory Board Meeting. 

What will I get out of it?

  • Suggest materials and programs for teens at the Northfield Public Library
  • Express your creativity in a variety of ways 
  • The satisfaction of serving your community
  • A great addition to your job or college application
  • Make new friends!

Why wait? Show some library love and fill out the application today! Please return completed applications to the library's front desk. For more info, call Youth Services Librarian, Cat Stricklan, at 507-645-1813, or email

Teen Library Events

Please see the library's programming calendar for more information on the teen programs we offer each month.