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Books and Reading: Overdrive for E-readers: iPad

Explore and learn about how to download content on your e-reader with Overdrive.



1) Go to the Northfield Public Library's Overdrive page -->

2) Click on "Account" and log in (top of page to your right)

3) If you haven't already-- download the Overdrive app by clicking on "Get the App" or by going to the App Store.

4) Sign in to Overdrive or create a new account

5) Click on the menu icon (the three horizontal lines on top left corner) and select "SELCO Dowanloadable Books" -- you can also add your library.

6) Search or browse for an ebook -- you can limit your search to EPUB format and to available now titles under ADVANCE SEARCH (right below search box)

7) Once you find your desired book, click Borrow

8) Select Download and make sure you choose the Adobe EPUB eBook, and Confirm and Download

9) If you are not already signed in, sin in with your Adobe ID

10) Go to your Bookshelf on the Overdrive app and start reading!!


·         It is possible to have both kindle and overdrive apps on an iPad, though doing everything on overdrive is much simpler.

·         Register the overdrive media center with adobe before going to check out the library book.

Bluefire Reader on iOS

Bluefire Reader is the best way to read Adobe® Content Server protected eBooks on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. With Bluefire Reader you can read EPUB and PDF eBooks from retailers, publishers and libraries around the world.

To download click the link below:


Create an Adobe ID and authorize your computer:

  1. With Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) open, click Help, then Authorize Computer.
  2. If you already have one, enter your Adobe ID; otherwise, click Create an Adobe ID.
  3. Enter the required information, then click Create.
  4. Back in ADE, enter your Adobe ID and click Authorize.
  5. Click OK.

Link below:

Click Here