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Books and Reading: Overdrive for E-readers: Mobile

Explore and learn about how to download content on your e-reader with Overdrive.

OverDrive E-books & MP3 Audiobooks for Smartphones & Tablets

  1. Download and install the Overdrive Media Console app from Google Play, Apple App Store or Windows Marketplace
  2. Then click on download and install the Overdrive app.
  3. Once the Overdrive app is installed open the app.
  4. Press “Settings” and authorize your app with an Adobe ID
  5. Press the menu button and press Get Books
  6. Then press Add a Library and type in Northfield Public Library or use your Zip Code.
  7. Next, press Central Library.
  8. Then press Northfield Public Library.
  9. This opens your browser and takes you to our Digital Library Catalog.
  10. Click on Account on the top right and login with you library card number (you have the option to select the Remember Me check box beneath the box for card number if you would like to save your library card number).
  11. After you find an eBook you like, press Borrow.
  12. The next page is your bookshelf. Press Download.
  13. Overdrive will open automatically and will start to download.
  14. After your eBook downloads it will be ready to read.